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Saturday, April 29, 2006

Split Bean Coffee's
Dulces del Rocío Marshmallows

Featured AAA's Westway Magazine The San Diego Edition

It is with great honor that we annouce Split Bean Coffee's Dulces del Rocío Marshmallows were featured in The San Diego Editio of AAA's Westways Magazine, which included a recipe from one of our customers from St. Petersburg Florida - Kelly Spann.

Mrs. Spann uses our Marshmallows to make all kinds of fudge, and feels our preservative free marshmallows give her special creations a special kick.

Try this fudge recipe and replace the vanilla marshmallows with any of our special flavors.
Tel US- 877-448-5185
Tel Intl - 818-448-5185

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Split Bean Coffee introduces May’s 2006- Flavor of The Month

Split Bean Coffee introduces May’s 2006- Flavor of The Month

Split Bean Coffee introduces May’s Flavor of The Month of Artisan Alfajores and Hand-Crafted Marshmallows

The May 2006 flavor of the month is Apricot. This aromatic and sweet tasting fruit is native to China and has a long and twisted history. You can read all about it in our Flavor of The Month Page.

Split Bean Coffee’s Alfajores La Misión are hand made to order and minimally packaged the same day. Split Bean Coffee is also featuring our Rose Petal Marshmallows, just in time for Mother’s Day. Made with Rose Petal essence from the Middle East or Rose petal marshmallows have just the right amount of Rose essence to confuse the senses. These “heavenly pillows” are hand-crafted using natural ingredients.

Split Bean Coffee’s Dulces del Rocío Marshmallows are available in over 20 flavors (including strawberry, cherry, coconut, vanilla, orange, green tea, chocolate, raspberry), and can be specially crafted for your needs.

The 2006 Seasonal Collection also feature a Super Size Alfajor – Alfajor Gigante filled with either Guava or Dulce de Leche. Split Bean Coffee is also offering a Fancy Box of Dulce del Leche filled alfajores covered in Dark Chocolate and Gold-leafed with a Mother’s Day theme. These beautiful and delicious alfajores make a wonder and unique gift for all the Moms in your life. Can’t decide what to give Mom, let Split Bean Coffee prepare a special Gift Basket that best reflects your taste and budget, or join our Cookie of the Month Club.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Split Bean Coffee Marshmallow's in The Ventura County Star

Split Bean Coffee's Marshmallows were featured in a blind taste test conducted by The Ventura County Star and we got some great compliments and feedback on our traditional and exotic flavours. We wish to thank Lisa and her staff for taking time to organize this event. We provide her staff with over 9 flavors of which they selected our Lavander Infused Marshmallows and our Classical Chocolate Marshmallows.

Marshmallow mania

Sugar sages offer up their taste buds for a sampling of the gooey childhood classic-gone-gourmet
By Lisa McKinnon,
lmckinnon@venturacountystar.comApril 12, 2006

In the beginning, there was the marsh mallow, a medicinal plant whose roots were used to make cough syrups and spongy sweets. Then came the egg-whites-and-gelatin marshmallow, destined for countless Jell-O salads and, to the joy of kids everywhere, gooey, goopy S'mores. Hatched in the 1940s, bird-shaped Peeps helped forever link marshmallows to springtime and Easter baskets.

And now, for the latest wrinkle in the history of the pillowy confection, pastry chefs are giving the childhood favorite an adult twist, using gourmet ingredients and new and/or natural flavorings to take marshmallows to the next, even fluffier, level. But are the results worth the expense, both caloric and monetary? To find out, we asked Star readers and Silver Lake resident Reggie Southerland, a contestant on the reality show "The Next Food Network Star," to take a bite out of some of the nonmainstream marshmallows out there. Read on for what they had to say during — and after — the blind tasting.
For more about the tasters and the marshmallows, try-this-at-home recipes and details on how to view a video of Southerland conducting his own tasting with a marshmallow from the Los Angeles bakery Boule, see E2.

(For a link to the complete article visit our official website at

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Split Bean Coffee in The Washington Times

It gives us great honor to announce we were featured in The Washington Times' April 5th 2006 Edition. What follows is the text from the article written by Richard Slusser.

Alfajores for Easter treats April 5, 2006 THE WASHINGTON TIMES Alfajores -- cookies that originated in Spain's Andalusia region during the Moorish conquest -- are particularly popular in Peru and Argentina, where each city seems to claim its own version as the best. Traditionally made from two shortbread cookies sharing a filling of dulce de leche (caramelized milk), an alfajor goes very well with a cup of coffee. For Easter, Split Bean Coffee of Van Nuys, Calif., which makes far better alfajores than travelers buy in airport shops in South America, is filling them with guava. These taste like home-made alfajores and are made according to an old Peruvian family recipe.
Split Bean Coffee also makes an alfajor Americano, which, appropriately, is filled with peanut butter. The guava alfajores for Easter come in the traditional size; an alfajor gigante, a really big one, is also available with guava or dulce de leche filling. The guava alfajor is dipped in white chocolate and decorated with gold leaf, and it can be shipped in a festive box or as part of an Easter basket.
The company also makes a delicious artisan marshmallow bouquet, flavored for Easter with rose petal, jasmine and lavender. These marshmallows have weight and are not to be confused with the light fluffs that are associated with roasting over a fire or topping a dish of sweet potatoes. For more information about Split Bean Coffee's alfajores and other products, visit or call 818/448-5185, fax 309/210-8449, or write to 15009 Hamlin St., Van Nuys, CA 91411. Split Bean Coffee would like to receive orders by Friday for delivery before Easter.

-- Richard Slusser