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Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Brief History of Peaches

A Brief History of Peaches -
Peach Marshmallows and Alfajores by Split Bean Coffee

Peaches are a favorite of the Southern States, but they actually originated in Asia. Although the botanical name, Prunus persica, suggests that peaches are native to Persia; however, they originated in China where they have been cultivated since the early days of Chinese culture.

Peaches were mentioned in early Chinese writings as far back as the tenth century B.C and were a favored fruit of emperors. The ancient Chinese thought of the peach as a symbol of the female genitalia and recognized its yin qualities. A Chinese bride was referred to as a peach.

Its English name derives from the Latin plural of persicum malum, meaning Persian apple. In Middle English, it melded into peche, much closer to what we call it today.
The Persian traders brought the peach from China are responsible for spreading it to the Western World. Around 300 BCE the Greeks and Persians were already enjoying these juicy treats. In the first century AD the Romans were captivated by the peach and began cultivation.

The peach was brought to America by Spanish missionaries in the sixteenth century and eventually made it to England and France in the seventeenth century, where it was a popular albeit rare treat. In Victorian England, no meal was complete without a fresh peach presented in a fancy cotton napkin. Early peaches were propagated by seed, the easiest way to transport the peach plant. Budded trees became available in America around the time of the American Revolution. Various American Indian tribes are credited with migrating the peach tree across the United States, taking seeds along with them and planting as they roved the country.

Thomas Jefferson had peach trees at Monticello, but United States farmers did not begin commercial production until the nineteenth century in Maryland, Delaware, Georgia and finally Virginia. Although the Southern states lead in commercial production of peaches, they are also grown in California, Michigan, and Colorado.
Today, peaches are the second largest commercial fruit crop in the States, second only to apples. Other major producers of peaches outside the USA are Italy, China and Greece.
Although peaches are cooked, canned, dried, pureed, boiled, roasted, and made into jam, the best flavor and nutritional benefits are derived from enjoying them fresh and whole, fuzz and all. They make a great addition to salads and to your back-yard BBQs.
Split Bean Coffee's Alfajores La Misión are made using 100% natural peach preserves. Our delicious, hand made Alfajores can be enjoyed with a nice cup of coffee or tea. For and aventurous treat, top our alfajores with freshly whipped cream or whipped cream cheese.
Split Bean Coffee's Alfajores la Misión are made with 100% Natural Peach Preserve.

Split Bean Coffee's Flavor of The Month for September 2006

Dear Friends,

It is time again for our flavor of the month Newsletter. This month, we are offering Peach Flavored Alfajores, and Marshmallows. For a brief history on this delicious fruit, visit our our Flavor of the month page at .

As you all know, it is Back to School Time. If someone special in your family is returning or starting college, what better way to remind them how proud you are of then by sending a small care package. You can call us at 877-448-5185 and have us create a special care-package or, choose from any of our pre-designed gifts at . We also have put together a special college package that you can find in our Flavor of the Month Page .

As the Holiday Season Approaches,(Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Channukah, New Years, Qwanza....) be sure to keep us in mind for all your gifts. We know that we are only into September, but we also know that some of you do think way ahead unlike yours truly that is always running around like a chicken without a head on December 23rd.

We will be bringing back some of our most popular offerings for the Fall/Winter season so visit us often. Be sure to tell your friends and family about us too, the best form of advertising is word-of-mouth and we would really appreciate your support.

Here are some of the Events, People, and Celebrations for September 2006

September 2006

Healthy Aging Month: National attention on the positive aspects of growing older.
Sept 15-Oct 15 - National Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month (Mexico and Central American Independance Celebrations)
Children's Good Manners Month
Classical Music Month --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 - Oct 15 - K.C. Renaissance Festival: Bonner Springs, Kansas

4 - Labor Day (United States)

10 - Grandparent's Day (United States)

11 - Patriot Day (United States)

14-16 - Mexico & Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica Independence Day Celebrations

19 - San Gennaro Day (Italian-American)

22 - Oct 1 - Religious Freedom Week , Native Amerian Day

23 - Autumnal Equinox (Japan), Dogs in Politics Day (I wonder how many dogs we have in DC?), First Day of Fall,

24 -Good Neighbor Day

23-24 - Rosh Hashanah* (Jewish New Year)

24 - Our Lady of Mercy - Nuestra Señora de La Merced

24-Oct 23 - Ramadan (Islamic, Muslim, Moslem)

24-30 - Deaf Awareness Week