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Saturday, February 24, 2007

XVI Photographic Exposition of Holy Week in Seville, Spain

Peña Andaluza in California with the collaboration of
The Consulate General of Spain in Los Angeles


XVI Photographic Exposition of Holy Week in Seville, Spain

March 21st to April 4th, Monday-Friday from 8:00am to 12:00pm

Consulate of Spain in Los Angeles
5055 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 860
Los Angeles, Ca 90036

La Peña Andaluza en California
en conlaboración con
El Consulado General de España en Los Ángeles (EEUU)


La XVI Exposición fotográfica de la Semana Santa de Sevilla

La exposición representa alguno de los Pasos que procesionan en la Semana Santa hacia la Catedral. Horario de 8 a 12

Consulado General de España en Los Angeles
5055 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 860
Los Angeles, Ca 90036

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Celebrate Andalucia Day with La Peña Andaluza of Southern California

Featured Event in Southern Cal -

La Peña Andaluza of Southern California presents Day of Andalusia with a Paella Dinner, Dance and Flamenco Show

Date - Saturday, Feb 24th, 2007
Time - 5-10PM

Location - The Dutch Club Avio - 1557 W. Katella Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92802 - (714) 774-2840

Flamenco Show will Feature The Great Yolanda and Paco Arroyo and The Peña's own dance group directed by Gerty and Stephania

Come join a great group of people celebrate Southern Spanish Culture. Practice your Spanish, watch a real Flamenco Show, and Dance the night away to the rhythms of Rumbas, Sevillanas and more. So dust of your dancing shoes, and work-up an appetite for a delicious traditional paella. If you are planning a trip to Spain, this will be a great event to attend, as there will be plenty of information of the various regions of Andalusia. We hope to see you there!

Cost $17 per adult and $10 for kids under 12

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Split Bean Coffee's - Feb 2007 - Flavor of The Month - Chocolate


Welcome to our Flavor of the Month Page. Be sure to visit us often as our Monthly Special Flavors change at least once a month. This month's featured flavor is chocolate. We are also extending our Coconut Flavored Alfajores, and Marshmallows for an additional month.

Chocolate or Xocolatl is native to the Central America. Made from the cacao beans, and first cultivated by the Olmecs and Mayas over 2000 years ago. To the native Meso-Americans, Xocolatl was a both a sacred drink as well as a valued commodity often use a currency. The drink was made with a mix of ground cacao seeds with various seasonings including spicy chilies and a touch of honey, and made into a semi-bitter frothy drink.

Later, the Spanish conquistadors brought the seeds back home to Spain, where new recipes were created and the chili was replaced with almonds and oriental spices such as cinnamon, and cloves. For decades, the Spaniards held a monopoly in the consumption and preparation of chocolate, but eventually the drink’s popularity spread throughout Europe. Since then, new technologies and innovations have changed the texture and taste of chocolate, but it still remains one of the world’s favorite flavors.

Chocolate has come a long way from it's sacred origins and today it is available world wide. Available in thousands of flavor blends, chocolate is perhaps only rivaled by vanilla as a flavoring in desserts.
Try our Chocolate/Dulce de Leche Filled Alfajores, or our Chocolate covered alfajores. We also carry artisan truffles and chocolate flavore marshmallows! Our DEADLINE for Valentine's 2007 is Feb 07, 2007