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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Earthquake Hurricane Relief

Dear Friends,

September is here and hopefully it means and end to the horrible heat wave we've experienced in Southern California. Fall is one of my favorite seasons, we love the colors, harvest festivals, and the start of the Holiday Season.

Earthquake-Hurricane Fund-Raiser

Before we continue, we want to Thank all of those who have made a purchase in the past month. Part of your purchase will be donated to victims of the Peruvian Earthquake.

It really means a great deal to have received so many well wishes for our family. As you may all know, our families live in Peru and Nicaragua, home of our coffee beans, and the South. This year, nature has given us a double punch first in Peru and now in Nicaragua, and though none of our family member have been directly impacted by either natural disasters, there are thousands of others who were less fortunate. The least we can do, is contribute to the relief efforts and pray for those members of the Human Family who have been impacted.

Split Bean Coffee will extend it's fund raising campaign until December. We will donate $1.00 from each sale to the Peruvian Quake Victims, and $1.00 to the victims of Hurricane Felix in Nicaragua.


Flavor of The Month

This month we are featuring a Peruvian Favorite - Lucuma. Lucuma is a fruit native to South America and available only in a small area from Ecuador to Chile. Peruvians make all kinds of delicious desserts including alfajores and frozen treats.

We are also featuring our Signature Flavor - Pumpkin Marshmallow. These marshmallows are great for topping sweet potato casseroles, making White Chocolate S'mores, or topping a cup of hot-cocoa or coffee. Best of all, they are Fat-Free!


September Days of Celebration:

1st Week - Child Injury Prevention Week

2nd Week - International Housekeepers Week

3rd Week - National Child Care Week

3rd Week - National Farm Animals Awareness Week

3rd Week - National Flower Week

4th Week - Equal Parents' Week

4th Week - National Dog Week

4th Week - National Roller Skating Week

Daily Celebrations

September 5th - National Cheese Pizza Day

September 6th - Read a Book Day

September 8th - International Literacy Day

September 9th - National Grandparents Day

September 10th - T.V. Dinner Day
On this day, in 1954, Swanson sells it's first T.V. Dinner.

September 11th - Patriot Day
World Trade Center Remembrance Day.

September 12th - Rosh Hashanah
Begins at Sundown.

September 13th - National Peanut Day

Scooby Doo's Birthday

National Hispanic Heritage Month Begins September 15 and ends October 15.

September 14-16 Independence Day Celebrations Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica

September 16 - Mayflower Day

September 17th - Citizenship Day
Also known as Constitution Day.

September 18th - Mushroom Picking Day

September 19th - Talk Like a Pirate Day

September 21st - International Day of Peace

Yom Kippur
Begins at sundown.

September 22nd - Band-Aid Invented
In 1920.

Ice Cream Cone Invented
In 1903. Check out my page for this special day!

September 23rd - First Day of Autumn

Good Neighbor Day

September 24th - Our Lady of Mercy Day - National Celebrations in Peru, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Catalonia

September 25th - Mary Poppins Debuted
In 1964.

September 28th - Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival
Also called the Moon Festival.