Split Bean Coffee Alfajores Featured in The Dallas-Fort Worth Star Telegram
Split Bean Coffee Alfajores
Featured in
The Dallas-Fort Worth Star Telegram

-- Reported by The New York Times, Patricia Rodriguez and Amy Culbertson
Dulce de leche alfajores. As soon as we tasted this cookie from Southern California's Split Bean Coffee, we bookmarked the http://www.splitbeancoffee.com/ Web site. Various regions of Latin America have their own styles of alfajores cookies; Split Bean honcho Roger Navas-Balladares makes his from a family recipe. Baked the day you place your order, each cookie is made of two impossibly buttery shortbread wafers sandwiching a rich but not-too-sweet caramel filling. They're $9.95 for a dozen (or 24 bite-sized); $16.95 in a holiday package of 12.
P.S.: Split Bean also sells some extraordinarily flavorful small-batch, roasted-to-order, fair-trade coffees. Order by Dec. 15.
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