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Thursday, March 30, 2006

April Flavor of The Month - Guava

Dear Friends,

It seems like yesterday we were celebrating New Year's, and here we are at the doors of April 2006, with Easter and Passover right around the corner.

For the Month of April we are proud to feature an old time favorite flavor - Guava. We have prepared a brief history on this great tasting fruit for your reading enjoyment.

Guava has to be one of my favorite fruits. As a kid, I used to love to eat Green Guavas, and would climb the trees at my grandma's farm to pick the biggest and greenest guavas I could find. Sometimes, I would not come down until my belly ached from eating so many guavas and salt.

Here in the good old US of A, green guavas are hard to come by and we usually enjoy them ripe and in the form of preserves. As a teenager, I used to love to eat little Cuban Guava tarts called "pastelitos". Once in a while I venture into the Pico-Union area of Los Angeles in search of these Cuban delights. Unfortunately, there aren't that many Cuban Pastries shops left in LA and they are becoming more difficult to find.

So, our Guava Alfajores are a tribute to all my Guava Memories. They make a wonderful afternoon snack with a nice cup of freshly brewed Split Bean Coffee.

Easter Offerings and Ordering Deadline

Along with our Guava Alfajores, we are also offering a Fancy Box of Guava Alfajores, covered in White Chocolate and Gold leafed with an Easter Theme. Be sure to view both our
Flavor of The Month and our Seasonal Offerings Page, where you will find Guava Nougats covered in White Chocolate, as well a Super Size Alfajor (Alfajor Gigante) and Our Easter Baskets.

Be sure to order early. We would appreciate if you place your Easter orders prior to April 7th, but will try to accommodate as many orders as possible.

Indian Film Festival - April 19-23 2006

If you are looking for something to do in the Month of April, and you live in the Los Angeles Area, be sure to visit the Indian Film Festival April 19-23 at the Arc Light Theatres in Hollywood. This year we are donating a Gift Certificate for their Silent Auction. Last year we had the honor of attending the screening of Hari Om and enjoyed it tremendously. For more information be sure to visit their website at . You may also find a link to the website in our Circle of Friends Page .