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Friday, October 13, 2006

Split Bean Coffee and Paws LA - Pet Art 8

Split Bean Coffee is Proud to Once Again Sponsor Paws/LA Pet Art

An evening at "The Whisker A Go-Go"Where hepcats go to mix & mingle!

Pet Art 8Art Auction & Flea MarketTo benefit PAWS/LA


Roma Maffia From television's "Nip/Tuck"

Live Auction * Silent Auction * Pet pourri Flea Market
Swingin' Auction Items includingFine art * Photography * Designer pet products and more

Sunday, October 22, 2006Doors Open 4:00pm * Live Auction 6:00pm
The Avalon Hollywood1735 N. Vine, Hollywood

Enjoy delicious treats from around Los Angeles, and sample Split Bean Coffee's Micro-Roasted Coffees and Delicious Artisan Sweets!

To Purchase Tickets - Please Visit the Paws/LA