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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Watermelon Flavor Marshmallows and More

Dear Friends,

We hope you all had a wonderful and safe 4th of July weekend. We at Split Bean Coffee, were busy up until the 3rd making last minute deliveries, and were happy to take a extended weekend off. Split Bean Coffee was also featured in Pay Pal Shops during the July 4th weekend, and as a result, we've been busy with online and phone orders.

A lot of of took advantage of our 3 for 2 deal on our Alfajores last month that we figure it would be great to extend the offer for the reminder of the month for all of our friends who will be celebrating Peruvian Independence Day on July 28th. Aside from the Christmas Season, this is the time, when Peruvian ex-patriots living in North America and Europe tend to order our Alfajores to enjoy with family and friends.

Flavor of The Month

For July's Flavor of the month, we are featuring a seasonal favorite - Our Watermelon Marshmallows. If you are planning on making S'mores this summer, try using our Watermelon Marshmallows with either dark or white chocolate. Your friends will love it. We are also featuring our variety box of Alfajores.

As always, a few selected customers will receive extra goodies with their order. It is a way of having you sample some of our standard and future seasonal offerings.

Split Bean Coffee's Campaign for the Children

Split Bean Coffee is happy to inform all of you that from July 14th to August 15th we will be donating one dollar from each order to a Peruvian Orphanage run by the sisters of the "AsociaciĆ³n de Laicos del Buen Pastor" in Lima Peru. This orphanage cares for abandoned children in Lima, Peru. A lot of them are HIV Positive and are abandoned by their mothers at the doors of the orphanage. The orphanage also cares for a small population of Senior Citizens that have no place to go.

If you wish to make a donation directly to the orphanage, please contact us directly and we will be happy to put you in touch with the director of charity.

Your Friends in Coffee and Sweets,

The Split Bean Coffee Family

Split Bean Coffee
Toll Free- 877- 448-5185
Int'l Calls- 818-448-5185
E-Fax - 309-210 8449