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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

September 2008 - Flavor of The Month

Dear Friends,

I hope you are all enjoying the final days of summer and look forward to cooler weather. We are busy gearing up for the Fall and Winter. We would like to thanks all of those who made multiple purchases to help out The Split Bean Coffee's Campaign for the Children. We are going to extend our donation time through the month of September so that we can personally deliver the funds in October.

Flavor of The Month - September 2008 - Going Nuts for Our Customers!

As part of our Flavor of The Month Offering our American Alfajores, which are our peanut butter filled alfajores dipped in dark chocolate. These is one of our best selling cookies and as always, they are made to order and preservative free.

While you are in a Peanut Butter frame of mind, be sure to try our Peanut Butter Fudge. Made fresh daily in small controlled batches. It makes a great gift for those going away to college.

Free Peanut Brittle

We want you all to try our Peanut Brittle, so from now until the end of September, we will give you a free 6 Oz Sample of our handmade peanut goodness with any order placed.

The first ten (10) orders totaling over $50.00 received before September 1st will get an entire pound of our Peanut Brittle added to their order. (This offer is only valid for those in our mailing list)

Split Bean Coffee's Campaign for the Children

Split Bean Coffee is happy to inform all of you that we have extended our Children's Campaign to September 30th, 2008. We will be donating one dollar from each order to a Peruvian Orphanage run by the sisters of the "Association de Laicos del Buen Pastor" in Lima Peru. This orphanage cares for abandoned children in Lima, Peru. A lot of them are HIV Positive and are abandoned by their mothers at the doors of the orphanage. The orphanage also cares for a small population of Senior Citizens that have no place to go.

If you wish to make a donation directly to the orphanage, please contact us directly and we will be happy to put you in touch with the director of charity.

Here are some of the Holidays for September 2008

September 2008 Holidays

1st – Labor Day – US
1st – Labor Day – Canada
2nd – Ramadan Begins (Holy Month of Fasting) Islam, (September 2nd – 30th)
3rd – Ganesh Chaturthi (Hindu)
6th – Read a Book Day
7th – National Grandparent’s Day
8th – International Literacy Day
8th – Nativity of Virgin Mary (Catholic Christian Holy Day)
10th – Sewing Machine Day
11th – Patriot Day
12th – Onam (Indian Festival of Flowers)
14th – Pet Memorial Day
14th – Holy Cross Day (Catholic Christian Holy Day)
15th – Hat Day
16th – Women’s Friendship Day
16th – National Stepfamily Awareness Day
17th – Citizenship Day
17th – Constitution Day
18th – U.S. Air Force Day
20th – Selihot (Penitential Prayers) [Judaic] September 20 (sunset) - 21 (nightfall)
20th thru Oct 5th – Oktoberfest
21st thru 27th – National Farm Safety and Health Week
22nd – Autumnal Equinox (Autumn Begins)
22nd – National Family Day
27th – National Hunting and Fishing Day
29th – Michael and All Angels (Catholic Christian Feast Day)
29th – Rosh Hashanah Begins (Jewish New Year) September 29 (sunset) – October 1 (nightfall)

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September is Leukemia Awareness Month

September is National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15th thru Oct. 15th)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Split Bean Coffee Invites You To Participate in World Blackout Day

Split Bean Coffee - - Invites You All to take action!

Worldwide Blackout - 09-17-2008

On Wendesday, September 17, 2008, I invite people around the world to turn off their lights for ten minutes –from 9:50pmto 10:00pm in their local time zone.

Worldwide Blackout - 09-17-2008

On Wendesday, September 17, 2008, I invite people around the world to turn off their lights for ten minutes –from 9:50pmto 10:00pm in their local time zone.


World Blackout Day: On September 17, 2008from 21:50to 22:00hours.
Proposes to turn-off all lights, and if possible all electrical appliances, so that our planet can 'breathe'.

if the answer is massive, energy saving can be brutal.

Only 10 minutes, and see what happens.

Yes, we will be in darkness for 10 minutes. Light a a candle and simply look to the sky, and let the Planet breathe.

Remember that union is strength and the Internet can be very power and can Even do something big.

Spread the news, if you have friends to live in other countries send to them.


Oscuridad mundial: En Septiembre 17, 2008 desde las 21:50 a las 22:00 horas.
Se propone apagar todas las luces y si es posible todos los aparatos eléctricos, para que nuestro planeta pueda 'respirar'.Si la respuesta es masiva, la energía que se ahorra puede ser brutal.Solo 10 minutos y vea que pasa.

Si estamos 10 minutos en la oscuridad, prendamos una vela y simplemente la miramos y nosotros estaremos respirando y nuestro planeta.Recuerde que la unión hace la fuerza y el Internet puede tener mucho poder y puede ser aun algo más grande.
Pase la noticia, si usted tiene amigos que viven en otros países envíeselo a ellos.


Escuridão mundial: No dia 17 de Setembro de 2008 das 21:50 às 22:00 horas propõe-se apagar todas as luzes e se possível todos os aparelhos eléctricos, para o nosso planeta poder 'respirar'.Se a resposta for massiva, a poupança energética pode ser brutal.Só 10 minutos, para ver o que acontece.Sim, estaremos 10 minutos às escuras, podemos acender uma vela e simplesmente ficar a olhar para ela, estaremos a respirar nós e o planeta.Lembrem-se que a união faz a força e a Internet pode ter muito poder e podemos mesmo fazer algo em grande.
Passa a notícia, se tiveres amigos a viver noutros países envia-lhes.


ظلام العالم : على 17 سبتمبر 2008 من الساعة 21:50 الى 22:00 ويقترح حذف جميع الانوار واذا امكن جميع الاجهزه الكهرباءيه ، ويمكن لكوكبنا 'تنفس'.
اذا كان الجواب هاءله ، ويمكن الاقتصاد في استهلاك الطاقة وحشية.خلال 10 دقائق فقط ، ونرى ما سيحصل.نعم ، نحن على 10 دقائق في الظلام ، ونحن على ضوء شمعة وببساطة ان النظر اليها ، ونحن نتنفس وكوكبنا.نتذكر ان الاتحاد هو القوام وشبكة الانترنت يمكن ان تكون بالغة القوة ويمكن حتى تفعل شيئا كبيرا.التحركات الاخبار


Obscurité mondial: Le 17 Septembre 2008 de 21:50 à 22:00 heures Propose de supprimer toutes les lumières et, si possible, tous les appareils électriques, à notre planète peut 'respirer'.
Si la réponse est massive, les économies d'énergie peuvent être brutales.Seulement 10 minutes, et de voir ce qui se passe.
Oui, nous sommes 10 minutes dans le noir, on allume une bougie et simplement تtre regarder, que nous respirons et de notre planète.N'oubliez pas que l'union fait la force et l'Internet peuvent être très électricité et peut
Même faire quelque chose de grand.Déplace l'actualité.

Σκοταδικοσµο: Στις17 Σεπ του2008 απο21:50 εως22:00 ωρεςΠροτεινειναδιαγραψειολαταφωτακαιανειναιδυνατον, ολεςτιςηλεκτρικεςσυσκευες, ναπλανητηµαςµπορεινα«αναπνεει».Εανηαπαντησηειναιµαζικη, ηεξοικονοµησηενεργειαςµπορειναειναικτηνωδης.Μονο10 λεπτα, καιναδουµετισυµßαινει.Ναι, ειµαστε10 λεπταστοσκοταδι, θααναψειενακερικαιαπλαΝαεξεταζουµε, πουαναπνεουµεκαιτονπλανητηµας.ΘυµηθειτεοτιηενωσηειναιηδυναµηκαιτοInternet µπορειναειναιπολυδυναµηκαιµπορουνναΑκοµηκανουµεκατιµεγαλο.
Μετακινησειςτηνειδηση, ανεχετεφιλουςναζουνσεαλλεςχωρεςναστειλουντουςκαιτους.

Darkness Welt: Am 17 September 2008von 21:50bis 22:00Uhr Schlägt vor, alle Lichter zu löschen und, wenn möglich, alle elektrischen Geräte, die unseren Planeten kann 'atmen'.Wenn die Antwort ist derb, Energieeinsparung kann brutal.Nur 10 Minuten, und sehen Sie, was passiert.Ja, wir sind 10 Minuten im Dunkeln, wir Licht einer Kerze und einfach Sei es bei der Suche, die wir atmen, und unseres Planeten.Denken Sie daran, dass die Gewerkschaft ist Stärke und das Internet kann sehr Macht und können Selbst etwas tun groß.
Verschiebt den Nachrichten.

НочьнаЗемле: 17 сентября2008 годас21:50 до22:00 часовотключитевсеогни, и, повозможности, всеэлектроприборы, чтобынашапланетамогласпокойно'подышать' хоть10 минут.Вслучаемассовогоучастия, этотпроектприведеткогромномусбередениюэнергииповсемуземномушару. Всеготолько10 минут, ивыувидитекакваженбудетрезультат.Заэти10 минутможнопростопосидетьвтемноте, зажечьсвечуипосидетьприеесвете. Азаэтовремянашапланетауспеетспокойноотдышаться.Помните, чтосовместноедействие- этомощь, аИнтернет- этовеликаясила, вместемыможемдобитьсяоченьмногого.

Darkness wereld: Op 17 September 2008van 21:50tot 22:00uur Stelt voor om alle lichten en zo mogelijk alle elektrische apparaten, om onze planeet kan'ademen'.Indien het antwoord is enorm, de energiebesparing kanworden wreder.Slechts 10 minuten, en zie wat er gebeurt.Ja, we zijn 10 minuten in het donker, we licht van een kaars en gewoon Wordt kijken, we inademen en onze planeet.Vergeet niet dat de unie is kracht en het internet kanzeer macht en kanZelfs iets te groot.
Vertrokken het nieuws.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gift Bags for the Rich and Famous

So today we got a call from the people who are doing the Gift Bags for the Latin Grammys. Aside from giving away our product, they charge a fee to place our product in the gift bags for celebrities.

Now, I am upset. Why should I give away our product to celebrities? I know a lot of companies thrive on having celebrities take pictures with their products. Well, I honestly don't!

This is the 4th request this year for Celebrity give-a-ways. I would much rather see my product go to a food bank or some sort of non-profit with ties to the community or make a donation to a charity overseas.....but give my product to celebrities?....I think not! They got lots of money, and probably make more per minute than what we do in a day. Furthermore, most of them are on extreme diets consisting of slices of air with a side of negative calorie water blessed by some Kabalistic Guru, so they would not eat my wholesome, all natural and caloric treats.

The trend of giving away things to the rich in this country must come to an end. If you think about it, these so called celebrities are bad for business, they expect things to be "specially catered" to their needs and most of the time, they want it for free or at a discount because they are So and So. Now, I am should not say they are all alike, because to be honest there are some great people in the entertainment business who do care a lot about the world, and do a lot of great things for those less fortunate (Brad and Angelina), but a few are just bad news for the entire planet, and these are the ones that get my blood boiling. Their carbon footprint is probably larger than some fortune 500 companies, yet they are always advocating for the rest of us to go green. Use a hybrid car, buy organic, etc, etc, etc....

I think it is a total waste of product if you ask me. As my French teacher used to tell me, "famous people are just like you and I." They bleed and use the toilet like all of us. I welcome any celebrity to try our product, but at the same price as any of our paying customers. I think it is only fair, don't you?

Friday, August 01, 2008


Split Bean Coffee Invites All of Our Friends to PAWSAPALOOZA
hosted by

Garth Kemp KABC Channel 7 News

It's a Dogs' Night Out!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008
6:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.

Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks Recreational Center
14201 Huston Street, Sherman Oaks

Dog Walk, Movie, Booths...and more!

Cuddle up with your favorite canine under the stars at PAWS/LA's 3rd Annual PAWSAPALOOZA.

Enjoy a fun-filled evening at this unique event—for dogs, with dogs, about dogs—that features a 1.3 mile twilight WALK FOR PAWS; a dog-themed movie; a midway showcasing myriad exhibitors with canine-friendly products & services; and special treats and giveaways for "4-leggeds" and their humans.

The event will kick-off at 6:30 p.m. with the WALK FOR PAWS, featuring fun stops along the way.

The screening of a canine-themed short film will begin at sunset (approx. 8:15 p.m.)
Attendees are encouraged to bring a picnic, lawn chairs, and blankets.

Walk Registration - $25 (includes admission to film & midway)

General tickets (no Walk) - $15
(canines & kids under 12 FREE)

For tickets, registration & info go to