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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gift Bags for the Rich and Famous

So today we got a call from the people who are doing the Gift Bags for the Latin Grammys. Aside from giving away our product, they charge a fee to place our product in the gift bags for celebrities.

Now, I am upset. Why should I give away our product to celebrities? I know a lot of companies thrive on having celebrities take pictures with their products. Well, I honestly don't!

This is the 4th request this year for Celebrity give-a-ways. I would much rather see my product go to a food bank or some sort of non-profit with ties to the community or make a donation to a charity overseas.....but give my product to celebrities?....I think not! They got lots of money, and probably make more per minute than what we do in a day. Furthermore, most of them are on extreme diets consisting of slices of air with a side of negative calorie water blessed by some Kabalistic Guru, so they would not eat my wholesome, all natural and caloric treats.

The trend of giving away things to the rich in this country must come to an end. If you think about it, these so called celebrities are bad for business, they expect things to be "specially catered" to their needs and most of the time, they want it for free or at a discount because they are So and So. Now, I am should not say they are all alike, because to be honest there are some great people in the entertainment business who do care a lot about the world, and do a lot of great things for those less fortunate (Brad and Angelina), but a few are just bad news for the entire planet, and these are the ones that get my blood boiling. Their carbon footprint is probably larger than some fortune 500 companies, yet they are always advocating for the rest of us to go green. Use a hybrid car, buy organic, etc, etc, etc....

I think it is a total waste of product if you ask me. As my French teacher used to tell me, "famous people are just like you and I." They bleed and use the toilet like all of us. I welcome any celebrity to try our product, but at the same price as any of our paying customers. I think it is only fair, don't you?