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Monday, December 19, 2005

Split Bean Coffee's Alfajores La Misión - Miami Herald

We are honored to have made the "What's in Store" column of The Miami Herald. Our Alfajores were reviewed by Maricel E. Presilla is chefco-owner of Cucharamama and Zafra in Hoboken, N.J. and Food writer for The Miami Herald.

What's in store


• SWEET: Alfajores -- crumbly, shortbread-like wafers filled with dulce de leche -- are the Oreo cookies of Argentina and Peru. You can order a delectable Peruvian-style version fresh from the ovens of California-based Split Bean Coffee Co. For $9.95 plus shipping, you get either 12 standard-size or 24 bite-size cookies. Chocolate-coated alfajores are also available, as is a $16.95 ''holiday fancy'' box. The ordering deadline for holiday shipment is Friday at or 818-448-5185. (Phone ahead for large orders.)