Support for Our Troops

Links to Support Our Troops - AAFES Gift Certificates
The Army and Air Force Exchange Services is where most service men and women do their shopping.
You can purchase gift certificates for those in Iraq and those hospitalized. - Adopt a Platoon
Adopt a Platoon has several ongoing projects to ensure that every soldier overseas does not walk away from mail call empty-handed. - AnySoldier
Any Soldier is a non-profit organization that helps people send care packages to members of the armed services in Iraq. - Appreciate Our Troops
Purchase a Support Our Troops mug and a free personalized mug will be given to a current or former service member. - Operation Shoe Box
Send packages to troops. - USO Care Packages
Send packages to troops. You can sponsor care packages provided by the USO with a $25 donation. - Blue Star Mothers
The Blue Star Mothers was founded by service members' moms during World War II. Any mother with a son or daughter in the military can join. - Books For Soldiers
Help the troops escape boredom by donating some books. You can also donate DVDs and CDs requested by soldiers. - Operation Paperback
Recycled reading for our troops. - Camp Doha
Camp Doha provides valuable information for those about to deploy, their friends and families, and anyone who wants to support the troops. - Cell phones for Soldiers
Donated cell phones are recycled and turned into cash. The cash is used to purchase calling cards for soldiers in Iraq. - Defend America
Thank any service member stationed throughout the U.S. and the world with an e-mail. - Give 2 The Troops
Send letters and messages to troops. - Letters From Home
Support the troops by sending letters so that they receive mail. - Operation Dear Abby
Send a greeting to a service member via e-mail. This site allows you to send e-mail messages of support to service members. - Fisher House
The Fisher House Foundation donates "comfort homes," built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers. These homes enable family members to be close to a loved one during hospitalization for an unexpected illness, disease, or injury. - Freedom Calls
The Freedom Calls Foundation is helping families videoconference with their loved ones in Iraq. You can donate money to help keep this project going. - Operation Call Home
Operation Call Home's mission is to provide each platoon with its own satellite phone.
Operation Air Conditioner provides not only air conditioners but space heaters (the desert is cold in the winter) for soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. - Operation Hero Miles
You can donate your unused frequent flier miles to help soldiers travel on emergency leave. They are also used to help families fly to hospitalized soldiers. - Operation Iraqi Children
Many soldiers are rebuilding schools in Iraq and scrounging around for school supplies. Help by donating a school supplies kit. - Operation Military Pride
Operation Military Pride is a volunteer organization that sends cards, letters, and care packages to troops. Operation Uplink
Donate money to Operation Uplink. The money is used to purchase phone cards so service men and women can call home. - Soldiers' Angels
Become some soldier's angel by adopting a service member. This site also provides links to other informative sites. - Treats for Troops
Treats for Troops helps you provide packages to your loved ones overseas. If you don't know anyone, the Foster-A-Soldier Program matches you with a registered soldier by branch of service, home state, gender, or birthday - or you can choose to sponsor a group of soldiers. - Voices from Home
Voices From Home allows military members and their families and friends to send and receive immediate voice e-mail messages to and from remote locations around the world. - National Military Family Association
Provides information for families of those who serve. - Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS)
TAPS offers peer support and assists survivors through a wide variety of programs.
The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund provides grants to the families of service men and women who died in Iraq. You can donate online, through mail or by calling a toll-free number. - Special Operations Warrior Foundation
Helping the Children of Fallen Special Operations Warriors - Hugs4SmilesUSA
Hugs4SmilesUSA will assign you a deployed soldier and/or family to send care packages and correspondence. - America Supports You
Provides contact information for organizations that support and communicate with our troops.
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