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Monday, October 17, 2005

NFT - Not For Tourists Guide - On Our Radar Sept 1, 2005

Jeremiah Hahn
September 1, 2005Web Contributor

Split Bean Coffee

818-448-5185 •

I had no idea what an Alfajores La Misión (Al-fa-ho-res) was until about two years ago, but now that I do, I can’t live with out them. They are delicious handmade shortbread cookies that are available from Roger and Paul online at Split Bean Cof-fee in 7 different varieties like dulce de leche, guava-filled and chocolate-dipped raspberry-filled; they even have one called an “American” version, which is a chocolate-dipped cookie with a peanut butter filling. If this description hasn’t already sent you scuttling to open another browser window and order some of these amazing treats, you mustn’t have a pulse. Split Bean also has a great selection of coffee, among other things.