Flavor of The Month - St. Valetine's Shipping Schedule

Dear Split Bean Coffee Friends:
It is time again for our Flavor of the Month. This month we have preparedtwo special treats - Papaya Alfajores and Rose Petal Marshmallows.
Our Papaya Alfajores are filled with "home-made" papaya preserve using freshpapayas from Mexico. We slow cook the papaya pulp with a hint of lime juiceto preserve the original red-orange color of the papaya fruit.
Our Rose Petal Marshmallows are made with imported rose flavor from theMediterranean, where Rose Petal scent is used in pastries such as baklava'sand nougats. These Marshmallows were a hit last Mother's Day so we thoughtwe bring them back just in time for St. Valentine's Day.
Be sure to check-out our Valentine's Page for gift ideas for your friendsand loved ones. Aside from our delicious Alfajores we are also offering aspecial selection of truffles and chocolates. Remember to give us a call ifyou need a special basket or packaging.
Our deadline for Valentine's Day is Feb 6th for our standard priority mailshipping and Feb 10th for Express shipments.
Keep in mind that all of our offerings are made to order, even duringspecial holidays. These assures you always receive the best productpossible.
For those of you who enjoyed our Lucuma Alfajores, we have decided to addthem to our standard offerings under our Alfajores Page.
We wish you all a Happy St. Valentine's Day filled with Love, Peace, andHappiness.
The Split Bean Coffee Family
PS - Be sure to visit our Circle of Friends Page where you will find a fewspecial websites offering special services nationwide. Be sure to tell ourfriends you saw them at Split Bean Coffee. If you are the owner of a smallbusiness, let us know and we will try to add a link from our site to yours.
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