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Saturday, March 31, 2007

April 2007 Flavor of The Month

It is time again for our Flavor of The month newsletter. For April, we will be featuring our variety packs in both our Alfajores and Marshmallows. We are also please to announce that we are holding a drawing for The S'mores Book in which we are listed as one of the resources for Gourmet Marshmallows.

Every customer that places and order between now and April 8th will be entered in a drawing for the book. You may view the cover of the book at our marshmallow page - . Order early for Easter! We will announce the winner in our next Flavor of The Month email.

All orders received before April 5th will receive a free sample of one of our micro-roasted coffees.

This month, we would like to address something that has been brought up several times in conversations with our customers; the difference between gourmet and artisan. We have written a few paragraphs to explain our stand on Gourmet vs. Artisan. You may read it in our Flavor of The Month Page - .

We wish you all a very Happy and Safe Passover and Easter Season.

Your Friends at Split Bean Coffee

Here are some of the Holidays and Holydays for April 2007

Alcohol Awareness Month
National Autism Awareness Month
National Occupational Therapy Month
National Parkinson's Awareness Month

1 - April Fool's Day (United States)
1 - Palm Sunday (Protestant, Roman Catholic)
2 - Passover *begins at sundown (Jewish)
5 - Holy Thursday (Christian)
6 - Good Friday (Protestant, Roman Catholic)
6 - National Tartan Day (Scottish-American)
6 - Organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
7 - Hospital Admitting Clerks Day
8 - Easter (Protestant, Roman Catholic)
8 - Vesak - Buddha's Birth (Buddhist)
13 - Blame Someone Else Day
15 - Easter (Orthodox) or Pascha
15 - Yom Hashoah/Holocaust Memorial Day (Jewish)
22 - Earth Day
23 - St. George's Day (English)
26 - Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day (United States)
26 - Hug a Friend Day
27 - Childcare Professionals Day
28 - Arbor Day
30 - Beltane (Celtic)
30 - Hairstyle Appreciation Day