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Friday, June 01, 2007

A Thank You from the Kids

Split Bean Coffee
The Brotherhood of The Americas of Our Lady of Rocio

have joined forces to raise funds for the Mariano Dubon Pre-Escolar in
Leon, Nicaragua

We have raised and distributed over $350.00 both in money and supplies and are still waiting for a few other pledge donations.

Here is a translation of the Thank You Letter sent to us by the school:

A big Thank You to Saint Victor's Church of West Hollywood, CA and Nica Projects of Vancouver, B.C Canada for their generous contributions.


Leon Nicaragua
May 20th, 2007

Brotherhood of The Americas of O.L. of Rocio

Dear Sir,

It is my wish that Our Lord showers you with many graces and fill you with abundant blessings in the tasks that he has given you.

I write to you to officially Thank You for your donation of school supplies for Level III for the Pre-Escolar Mariano Dubon, morning session of Professor Luz Marina Munguia.

We Thank You very much for your great contribution to our classroom. Our children are of low-income homes and your donation is of great help. We will always welcome any other donations you may wish to make to our school.

Without further due, we wish you much success in all your endeavors and my Our Lady of Rocio enlighten your path.


Luz Marina Munguia Peralta
Pre-Escolar Mariano Dubon
Leon, Nicaragua

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