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Friday, October 10, 2008

This is Crazy Crazy - A pound is always 16 oz.

A few weeks ago a friend of ours asked us to send samples to a company they thought might like our products. Well, we normally don't send samples because when we started Split Bean Coffee, people took advantage of our "newbie" status and were requesting samples left and right. So, we implemented a policy where by the sample requester pays for the samples and we will then deduct their payment from their first order.

This policy has worked great for us, and I would say that 9 out 10 the sampler requester does place a large order.

So, out of courtesy to our dear friends, we made a sampler box to this "possible customer', since they had been pestering our friends for the items. I personally delivered the samples to press the flesh like I always do for local prospects and they seemed genuinely surprise when they saw the samples. One of them even stuffed their face with our marshmallows and she couldn't swallow the big hunk of mallow.

A few days later I called to follow up on the samples and they basically told me that business was slow, but in passing they also mentioned that our bag of marshmallows were too big! This I could not understand. We sell our mallows by the pound and eight ounce bags so how could a pound of mallows be too big to be a pound of mallows? Follow me?

Well, it turns out the boutique environment doesn't lend itself for such a big bag of mallow. They suggested I trim down the size of the bag and charge the same or more. Perhaps a nice bow or higher end bag would be best, they suggest.

In a time, when we should be using less packaging to promote less waste and polluting the environment in the process, I honestly don't feel my customers should be made to pay for this pollution. I am a big believer of the Keep It Simple stupid rule. I try very hard to make our products look as nice as possible with as little cost to our customers, or impact to the planet. Furthermore, at a time when companies give you less for your money, it is nice to know that our One Pound bag still weights One Pound. I guess this is why the Wall Street Journal said we were the best value for your money in the Gourmet Marshmallow category.

I promise that when you pay for a pound of something at Split Bean Coffee, you will get a pound of what you paid for, not a pound of wasteful packaging!