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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Insight into The Papaya Fruit

Insight into The Papaya Fruit - Flavor of the Month - Feb '06

Papaya (Carica papaya) - The papaya is a pear-shaped fruit with a bright green to golden-yellow skin. The flesh, normally a golden-yellow or red-orange color, is juicy and silky smooth, with a very sweet to sweet-tart flavor. The large center cavity is filled with shiny, round, black seeds. Though these pepper-like seeds are edible, they're generally discarded. If you have not eaten a papaya, they are similar in texture to a very ripe honey-dew melon.

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Papayas are an excellent source of vitamin A and C, and potassium. They are high in vitamin C and A content. There are also small amounts of calcium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin present in papayas. In its natural state, papayas are low in calories and sodium and high in potassium.

Papayas contain a digestive enzyme called Papain. Papain is extracted from the papaya skin and is primarily used in the meat industry as a tenderizer. The greener the fruit the higher the content of papain. This enzyme has been used as a meat tenderizer since pre-Colombian times. It is said that Columbus noticed that the natives at large amounts of meat and did not get indigestion if they consume green papaya after each meal.

Papaya (Carica papaya) has been grown in the Americas' tropical region since pre-historic times. It is believed to have originated in Central America. Papaya is available all year round. It was spread to the south with the migration of Native Americans, and throughout the Caribbean with Spanish exploration. The Spanish also introduced it to Europe and the Pacific Islands. By the mid 17th century, papaya was distributed pan tropically (all the tropic areas of the world).

It is believed that folk medicine uses of fruit, leaves, and latex may be related to papain content. Fresh latex can be smeared on boils, warts, corns or freckles to remove them from skin. It is also used for treating psoriasis and ringworm. Latex is smeared on the uterus to cause abortion in India, or sometimes the unripe fruit and/or seeds are eaten to induce abortion. Either the latex or plant parts are considered antiseptic, antibacterial, antihelmintic, and amebicidal. Papain is used in remedies for ulcers, diphtheria, swelling, toothache, fever, relief of gas and sour stomach.

Aside from all of its wonderful uses, Papaya has become a favorite of cooks world-wide. Used in smoothies, milk-shakes, ice-cream, salads, soups, main dishes, jellies, preserves, candies, or eaten plain. The versatility of this wonderful fruit makes it a favorite of people around the globe.

We at Split Bean Coffee are featuring our flavor of the month - Papaya Alfajores. These delicious South American treats are hand made and preservative free. Visit our website for further details.